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Our next Free Pet Drawing will be a few days before Christmas. Exact date will be announced the first week of December here on this page.

Santa Christmas puppy.jpg


Enter to win a free puppy each time you visit our pet boutique and make a pet supply purchase!
Drawing will be in December.


There are two ways to enter.

Option 1 : Purchase $10.00 or more in pet supplies in person at our Teacup and Toy Pets Boutique and your name will go into our drawing for a free pet!

Option 2: Customers that join our call or text back list can be included in the free pet drawing as long as you can pick your puppy up in person.


  1. You must be able to print this Entry Form and bring it to our pet boutique in person.

  2. Must purchase $10.00 in pet supplies to enter drawing.

  3. Must schedule an appointment due to COVID to visit our pet boutique. Click >HERE<

  4. You must respond to Texas Teacups within 24 hours of the time you are notified that you are the winner. Texas Teacups will call and send a text message to notify you.

  5. You must pick free pet up in person within 48 hours from the time my name was drawn. If you cannot pick free pet up within 48 hours another name will be drawn.

  6. This is a total of 48 hours. (Not 24 + 48)

  7. The only other option is to pay kennel holding fees.

  8. If you cannot pick your free pet up in person within time allowed, you will be required to pre-pay a $100 non-refundable kenneling fee for every day that we hold the pet for you with a limit of 10 days. Starting with the day your name was drawn.

  9. If you or anyone in your household has won a pet from Texas Teacups, you will not be eligible for another free pet from Texas Teacups regardless of how long it has been.

  10. It will be your responsibility to have the pet vaccinated and examined by a licensed veterinarian.

  11. The free pet being offered will be current on vaccines.

  12. The free pet being offered will be available AS IS with no health or size guarantee.

 No information will be offered on this Mystery Pet such as breed, size, sex, color, age, etc…..

By submitting free pet entry form you are accepting the rules of this free pet drawing. We ask that you do not participate in this drawing if you cannot accept the terms of this drawing.

"This business is owned and operated by the Grace of God"
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